I’ve been thinking about selling my condo plus I was genuinely interested in talking with a Jacksonville real estate brokerage that is just down the street from my house. I always see cars in the parking lot, so I decided to go to the place on Wednesday. On Wednesday day there wasn’t a single car somewhere at all plus there was a sign on the Jacksonville real estate brokerage that said it was closed on Wednesday. I didn’t realize that it was a holiday. I have been so busy thinking about selling the home that I totally forgot it was one of those weekends where the holiday falls on a Wednesday. The real estate corporation was open on Friday plus I went down to speak with someone as soon as the shop opened. The lady at the counter was genuinely nice plus helpful. She found someone to talk with me about my condo in less than 5 minutes. The Jacksonville, FL real estate agent was genuinely regular with the part where my dwelling was located. She knew exactly what the home was worth. She told me that she could get a cash offer in a week if I wanted to sell suddenly plus skip all of the repairs plus hassles. I had not considered a cash offer, however it sounded like an excellent idea. I entertained a couple of cash offers for the property, but I suppose I am going to wait until I can get a little bit more money for that home plus the two acre lot.